Thursday, November 1, 2012


Last year, I vowed that I would blog each day about gratitude (read the introduction here). I didn't manage many entries, not because I wasn't thankful, but because after scores of job applications and hundreds of dissertation pages, I had few words left. 

I'd like to try again this year. Each day I will post a paragraph, picture, or both that inspires my thanks. I would be so happy if you would join me by naming grace in the comments below. 

Today, I am grateful for things that grow: seeds in community gardens, chrysanthemums by the front door, bread dough, little girls, little boys, friendships, essays, willow trees, students, trust, Narnian lampposts, and laughter. 

Photo by Grace Schuler

What are you grateful for today?


  1. I am grateful that you, a dear friend, has discovered the joy that I find in the SCA. There are few things in life as precious as shared joy. I hope you enjoy many more events in the future.

  2. I am grateful that I have a warm house and a full fridge. I am grateful that I have family and friends who care for me.
